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Upskirt video of gal in white panty

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Our hunter loves white color! Thats why he made this hot upskirt video with gal in white panties!
Tags: rel up skirts, up skirt gallery
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Text comments (2)

Angela ( 10 years ago )
Melissa,I just found your site for the first time. This is the first article of yours that I have read, and am 100% in armnegeet. I am not a female, wait , let me check. Yep, I am male (I thought that was cute) so I have different issues regarding nudism. I am currently writing a research paper on body acceptance for college, and will be cruising through your archives for good material. I will ask before borrowing anything. Who knows, maybe you will use some of my matrial.Douglas
Allen ( 12 years ago )
Sorry.I have no plan B that could be expected to hpaepn in our lifetime.  My last post expressed that for the laws to change we need to change the attitudes of people.  That would be plan B.  First we must communicate just how ludicrous the situation is at present.  Your post called “I’m Going to Scream Now and Keep Screaming Until There is Justice in the World!” communicates another example.  There are many people who do not consider or call themselves Nudists/Naturists but do not like to wear clothes unnecessarily.  It may not be social nudism … who knows if it was not illegal … The estimate represents all of those people as well.  I would like to think it is an underestimated number.

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